Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Suggested Healthy Meal

A suggested meal which is healthy

For lunch on Day 2, I should have a proper meal. Instead of just having 2 curry puffs, which are high in fats and calories, I could have steamed rice with steamed chicken and curry sauce. The steamed rice is healthier and more nutritious than the curry puffs, as shown in the table below.

As you can see, the steamed rice will provide more energy, protein and dietary fibre than the curry puffs. Although the table shows that 1 serving of rice has more cholesterol and carbohydrate than 1 currypuff, the combined cholesterol and carbohydrate levels in 2 curry puffs is more than that of 1 serving of rice. Thus, having rice, steamed chicken and curry sauce is much healthier and nutritious than the curry puffs as they provide more nutrients which are needed for the body's processes and less fats.

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